Cantonese and Mandarin Classes in an Ottawa Chinese Language School Ching Hua Chinese Language School at Notre Dame HS

Volunteers are always welcome in the program. Their involvement has often led to the development of activities and services that would not otherwise be possible.  .... 

Before being assigned to a program, all volunteers must:
A)   Complete a Volunteer Application form, an Offence Declaration and/or a Vulnerable Sector Police Check with receipt (Please note: Police reference check with receipt applies to those volunteers working in the classroom).
B)   Attend a brief orientation session with the Site Administrator.  Volunteers are not to be accepted in the program if they have not gone through the above procedure. All volunteers are expected to sign in and wear a volunteer badge.  We would like to encourage all students to volunteer with the program in order to complete the mandatory volunteer hours. The necessary paperwork can be filled out for the completion of these hours by the Site Administrator". 

Parent & Student Volunteers 2016-2017

Support your school!  Parents who would like to volunteer for school events can write to us, or come speak with the Parent Council on site.  The annual general meeting has returned:

George Sandoval as Treasurer
Donna Yau as Secretary/Webmistress

 As a parent volunteer, you can help your child's school with seasonal activities, such as the annual Christmas and Chinese New Year events, or by bringing a fresh viewpoint at a PAC meetings.  

For adult volunteers seeking in-class placement, the OCSB requires that adult volunteers to undergo screening. The process is free with a letter of introduction from our Site Administrator.  The information can be found at the Ottawa Police website.

High school students seeking to fulfill their volunteer hours on Saturday can join our team.  Our Site Administrator can verify your hours at school on your community involvement sheet.

(Left) From the Minutes of the School Council Meeting, January 19th, 2012, on 'Volunteers'.